My Business
I recently started a new business called Wee La Mode.  After my last baby girl, Lennon, was born I was introduced to the world of cloth diapering by a friend of my husband.  This new adventure led me to the start of  cloth diapers, clothing and baby/mom products that are eco-friendly, reusable, servicing a special need yet beautiful and fashionable.  I am also a big believer in the efforts of breastfeeding/nursing and am always dreaming up new ideas to aide in the process and make it more comfortable and fun for mom and baby.  I hope you will take some time to visit me on Facebook and if you have any questions about my products please feel free to contact me.  I sell on my Facebook page's Shop Now tab, My Etsy and my website 

Shoppers who "like" me on Facebook and "heart" my Etsy Shop get an automatic 5% discount.  If I have other coupon codes going, they trump the 5% discount.